Sunday, February 17, 2013

Class Preview: Wings & Things

Happy Sunday everyone!

This was a busy week!  I wanted to share with you the cards we will be making in my 'Wings & Things' class at Carousel Rubber Stamps in March.  It was nice to get in a springtime mood after all of this cold and ice and snow!


First card is the Bumblebee:

Second is the Butterfly:

And finally, the Ladybug:

Let me know what you think!  If you would like to take the class, please click the link above and register at Carousel :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Blizzard = Craft Time!

We were hit by the Blizzard people are calling Nemo (Why Nemo?  I don't know.  It doesn't really strike fear in me, more like the urge to cuddle it.)  So I had quite a bit of time indoors this weekend and I finished an upcoming card class I will be teaching at Carousel in March (Pics to come!).  I also began researching some new projects, and oh boy, am I ever inspired right now!  I will share some pictures as soon as I do my next photoshoot and I promise to let you folks in the loop for my new project before anyone else ;)

In the meantime, here is what Oscar thinks of all this snow:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Finally! A video on YouTube!

So I know I have ABSOLUTELY been slacking on updates here, but Februray is apparently "Resolution Do-Over" Month, so I'm starting again. 

I finally got around to uploading my first video to YouTube.  It's just a quick little video of Oscar playing in the snow, but I wanted to share and see how it worked on my blog.

And there it is! Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, I'll be doing some tutorials in the future.  And, of course, if you like my Blog, give me a follow :)